From time to time, consumers are going to lose some game pieces, challenge cards and instructions – it’s just a fact. In the states, we get thousands of these requests and we like to think of them as an opportunity to deepen our relationship with consumers and the people who are spending their hard-earned money to enjoy our games! In this spirit, our Customer Service Department has developed a program in the USA to help consumers get replacement parts (click here to see the letter outlining the domestic program) and we urge you to develop your own program that suits your market.
We recommend pulling a few games from your inventory to use for your Replacement Parts Program, but if you need additional parts, you can also order ‘bagged games’ separately. We offer an assortment of games in travel bags from our US warehouse.
In addition, it’s a great opportunity to cross-sell other ThinkFun games in the category or promote our newest games!
At ThinkFun, we understand there are a lot of toy and game options out there to choose from and our aim is to set ourselves apart from the rest by being the best.